
PhD Scholarship Program in Singapore

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PhD Scholarship Program in Singapore

– SINGA Scholarship will enable a student get a PhD degree from NUS (National University of Singapore) or NTU (Nanyang Technological University) while carrying out research at ADSC (Advanced Digital Sciences Center).

 * SINGA Scholarship PhD program at ADSC

SINGA Scholarship, full scholarship for PhD program provided by A*STAR (a Singapore government agency), is available at ADSC annually for two intakes (August and January). Successful applicants will receive PhD training under supervision or co-supervision of researchers at ADSC and professors at NUS or NTU. Students will carry out research work as a full-time research assistant at ADSC, and take courses and receive degrees from NUS or NTU. Also, students will have great opportunities to interact with UIUC (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Faculty members. For more information, please refer to the following sites.

 – Lists of our potential projects

(Please go to tab ‘Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC)’ -> ‘Interactive & Digital Media’ -> ‘Advanced Digital Sciences Centre (ADSC)’)

 – General information of SINGA Scholarship

 – Applications need to be submitted on-line at:

 – Coverage of SINGA Scholarship

1) Full support for tuition fees for 4 years of PhD studies

2) Monthly stipend S$2,000 and increased to S$2,500 after passing the ‘Qualifying Examination’.

3) One-time Airfare Grant of S$1,500 Return Airfare

4) One-time S$1,000 Settling-in Allowance

 * About ADSC

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), a Singapore government agency, have established the Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC), a new research center located at the Fusionopolis research facility in Singapore. Research at ADSC is funded by A*STAR through the Human Sixth Sense Project (HSSP), which focuses on breakthrough innovations that are expected to have a major impact in transforming human beings’ utilization of information technology. For more information, please refer to


 * Research activities at ADSC

Most research projects at ADSC are organized under two subprograms: 1) Interactive Digital Media and 2) Power Grid IT. Links to overviews of the subprograms, and details on all current individual projects, are available at


For more detailed information, feel free to contact:

Dr. Asghar Mirarefi (International Research Program Director, ADSC):

Dr. Dongbo Min (Researcher, ADSC): (

