
Hyeok-Soo Choi (supervisor: Prof. James Won-ki Hong) was awarded the best paper award at KNOM conference 2011

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Hyeok-Soo Choi (supervisor: Prof. James Won-ki Hong) was awarded the best paper award at KNOM conference 2011 (Korean Network Operation and Management conference 2011) for his paper titled: “Research on medical sensor scheduling for efficient energy consumption in WBAN (the original title is in Korean: WBAN에서 효율적인 에너지 사용을 위한 메디컬 센서 스케쥴링 기법에 관한 연구).” In the paper, he proposed a scheduling method for reducing energy consumption in medical sensors. The proposed method can be used in ubiquitous healthcare area.

KNOM conference is sponsored by the committee on Korean Network Operation and Management (KNOM) of the Korean Information and Communications Society (KICS). KNOM conference 2011 was held on Apr. 21-22, 2011 at POSTECH POSCO international center, and 44 papers were presented in the conference.
