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The Department of Computer Science and Engineering ( at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) is seeking outstanding scholars for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position. Senior candidates with strong credentials will also be considered.


POSTECH was founded in 1986 by POSCO, one of the largest steel companies in world, as Korea’s first research-oriented university. POSTECH is known for its unique contributions to the advancement of science and technology in Korea and also worldwide. POSTECH offers excellent benefit packages to appointed professors including a generous startup fund and a reduced teaching duty, as well as support for moving expense, housing, health insurance, children’s education, and more.

Solicited Areas
1. Computer network (with higher priority)
2. Any areas in Computer Science and Engineering


Eligible candidates are those who have earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or a closely related field, or those who are expected to complete the Ph.D. degree before the expected start date. The candidates, if hired, will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in English.


Each candidate should submit the following items by email to the chair, Prof. Seungmoon Choi (, of the Faculty Search Committee of our department.

    – Curriculum vitae (it should include the list of research papers, patents, and technology transfers)

    – Five representative research outcomes (research papers or other notable project industry project experiences)

    – Teaching statement

    – Research statement

    – List of references (no less than three)

    – Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement (Use the form available here)

Some applicants may be asked to provide three letters of recommendation later during the selection process.

Applications are open during the entire year. However, to start in the Spring semester of 2016, applications should be submitted no later than September 15, 2016.

Contact Information

Prof. Seungmoon Choi

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, POSTECH

77 Cheongam-ro, Nam-gu, Pohang, Gyeongbuk, 37673 South Korea

Phone: +82-54-279-2384

Fax: +82-54-279-5477


URL: /


POSTECH is building a culturally diverse body of faculty, students and staff.

Non-Korean citizens would be welcome to apply.
